One subscription handles...

all your computer needs and more

Gain peace of mind and keep your business moving.

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Tulsa’s #1 IT Consulting Company

Since 1999

We help keep small businesses from failing because of a disaster.

Centupli, SEO Services, Tulsa, OK

“The safest computer is one that is turned off.”

Joel Zimmer (Founder)

Disaster Stats to Remember

Every 24 Seconds a Fire Starts

According to the National Fire Protection Association, a fire department responds to a fire every 24 seconds in the US in 2018 costing $35,000 on average.

350,000 New Malicious Programs are Detected every Day

Viruses, trojans, worms, or other unwanted applications just keep growing.  In 2019 the totals increased to over 17.7 million malware programs detected.  See the full reports and virus statistics below.

30% of all Lost Files are Human Error

What would it cost you if your QuickBooks files disappeared?  It would be a disaster!  Human error accounts for roughly 30% of all lost files.  See the stats below.

27% of Employees Click Harmful Links

Spam and phishing attacks cause large amounts of problems in organizations around the world.  Employees may accidentally click on links and end up inputting passwords into fake websites or accounts giving a malicious attacker their password. 

What are people like you saying?

If a picture is worth 1,000 words, what is a video worth?

Auto-turn Manufacturing

Terry Mosley CPA

Need a Website?

We want to help you build the best website that money can buy.  Our website management subscriptions allow you to not only design but also maintain a website all for the price of your morning coffee!