Website Designers in Tulsa | What’s a “Keyword”

by | Feb 14, 2021 | Website Design | SEO

Today we are discussing how and what website designers in Tulsa define a “keyword” as.  You will hear a lot of website designers talking about this term.  In fact, one might say that it is nearly the most important cornerstone of all Tulsa based website designs.  Without a firm understanding of what a keyword is, you will not be able to properly optimize your website for customer’s searches.  

In the process of this post, if you have any questions regarding anything presented today, don’t hesitate to contact us.  We want to hear from you!  That is why we build these articles in the first place!  You can call us at 918-218-2228 or email us at  There isn’t a stupid question on the planet.  We are here to answer any questions you may have. 

What is a Keyword

Let’s look at what a keyword is.  If you break it up it becomes extremely apparent exactly what a key-word is.  These key-words are things that are fundamental to your website.  Think about a hair cutting place or a swimming pool supply place.  Their keywords will revolve around their industry and what they do.  These are words that if you were trying to describe yourself to someone who wanted information about you, you would have to use these words. 

Google inherently doesn’t have any way of knowing who you are or what you’re about. So when someone types, “Tulsa website designers for hire” if you don’t describe yourself as a Tulsa based website designer looking for work on your website, then no one – including Google – will know how to find you.  

These keywords are words that you have to include in your website so that google can pull your website up when people search for it. 

Keyword Examples

Here are a few keywords that will help you.  Say that you own a bakery.  You bake cakes and cookies for weddings and events.  Maybe your specific and ideal client is a women who is just getting married.  You like to cater to weddings so inside of your website you need to include words like…

Website Designers in Tulsa use Keywords 

If you are a good website designer, you should use keywords to inform your website design.  You want to make sure that your website includes these words inside of the content.  You also want to make sure that your design feels like it fits with everything else.  A bakery’s website doesn’t generally look like an auto mechanic’s website, and it shouldn’t!  Use the keywords that you choose and your industry to inform the entire way that you design your website. 

Centupli can Help you Brainstorm

If you are stuck and don’t know what keywords best describe your business, we have you covered!  Centupli can help you brainstorm about keywords for your website.  In fact when you call today and set up an initial interview, we can help you determine your purple cow, unique value proposition, keywords and much more.  All of this goes a long way to building your amazing website.  For more information call us at 918-218-2228 or email us at  Check out our previous post here