Tulsa Website Design | What makes it easier?

by | Jan 8, 2021 | Website Design | SEO

When Centupli sits down to build a Tulsa based website design what makes the process easier? This is a question or answer today. Many times businesses will come to us and ask us what it takes to build a website. There’s a lot of technical things that have to take place to build a website. But today I won’t look at those things. Instead our look at what you as a business owner need to know before you get started. Without having a clear definition of these three things, it can be very hard for you to build an amazing website. If at any point in time you’re confused about any one of these three sections, you can email us at info@centupli.com or call us at 918-218-2228.

What is your mission?

The first thing that you to answer is the question, “what is your mission?” This is the thread that runs throughout your entire business. If you do not have a clear definition of what your mission for your business is, how can you convey value to your customers? Let’s start by looking at what a mission statement is. A mission statement is just as it sounds – a statement about your mission. Centupli’s mission statement is, “To protect business and restore lives one website at a time.”  Everything our company does and everything we provide is driven by this statement. It’s the common element throughout all of our endeavors. Our website design program and even the hiring process are influenced by this mission. Whether you specifically stated on your website or not, without this vision statement your business will be like a ship navigated without a compass.

Have a unique value proposition for your Tulsa based Website Design

What is a unique value proposition and how does it relate to Tulsa based website design? A unique value proposition is how you will uniquely add value to the market. For us that means offering websites at a fixed monthly subscription. We do this by hosting, building and maintaining websites. You can customize your website as often or as infrequent as you would like. We always make the guarantee that we will get back with you within the week. What is your unique value proposition? Do you offer a special discount? Or maybe you run a special service. Whatever your unique value proposition is, you have to know how to explain it. This is what your website should describe. How are you different from the competition around you?

Who is your ideal and likely buyer?

An ideal and likely buyer is someone who you can envision buying your product. This is who you really want to be a customer. It’s important that we nail down exactly who you want to be your customer. This determines how we market to someone. If you want to market to middle-aged men with a wife and two kids, you probably don’t want to create content to place it in maternity magazines. Your marketing has to fit who you want to market to. It’s no different when it comes to your website. Here it really quickly are just a few example questions you might use to hone your ideal and likely buyer.

  • Are they men, women or both?
  • Do they have an average age?
  • What is their average income like?
  • Where are they geographically located?
  • What about the places that are?
  • What schools do their kids attend? 
  • How about any shared fears that might have?
  • What types of cars do they drive?

I hope you get the idea. You want to get as much information about these peoples as possible. This lets you determine how you speak in your marketing material. If you’re marketing to kids, or rather parents of kids, you would want to use muted colors. You want your marketing to match your audience.

Setup a free 30 minute Tulsa based Website Design Meeting!

If you have any questions regarding the content outline here today, you can email us at info@centupli.com or at 918-218-2228. We will help you with any problems you may have. You can call to schedule a free meeting and get one amazing and interactive website prototype completely for free. If you’re enjoying this content and want to see more, check out our IT insecurities blog or our previous post here.