Tulsa Website Design | Google’s Lesson in Design

by | Jan 11, 2021 | Website Design | SEO

Today in this IT insecurities blog post we want to look at a Tulsa website design concept presented by Google. Google is the industry-leading search engine. As such, they kind of make the rules. In fact, you do make the rules. That means if you want your website to rank high and be seen by customers everywhere you have to play by Google’s rules. Today we want to look at three concepts that Google outlines in some of its Google material design. Google material design is a project this worked on to study design as it relates to web applications and websites. That everyone looks at standardized colors, fonts and and HTML load times. Direct this process if you have any questions don’t hesitate to call us at 918-218-2228 or at info@centupli.com for more information.

Standardizing colors in your website

Consistency is key. This is one of the primary concepts the Google material design outlines. You want to make sure that everything that is designed and built on your website looks like it belongs together. In fact that’s the way you want to build your entire company. Think about Google itself. When you see a page or print material or anything else produced by Google, it looks like it belongs. We automatically have trust in something because it feels right. It’s in our nature to understand it and be comfortable with it subconsciously.

This is a huge part of brand recognition and what makes a website amazing. It’s not about getting your text to be a white color or just any red. It’s making sure that your business card and your website are the same red. The colors matter in fact, plays a huge part in how we interact the brand. If you take a psychology class, they tell you that certain colors have certain psychological effects. Red makes you hungry. Blue is a calming effect. Green feels like growth. Regardless of what colors you choose and what feelings you want to invoke, you have to keep it consistent to build brand recognition and trust.

Picking and Using Fonts 

A lot of people overlook the basic concept of a font. Fonts are the text that show up on your website. A font can be sans serif, serif, display or handwritten depending upon your brand identity. Once you choose a font however, stick with it. Google has a lot of good resources for free fonts. In fact they created a whole website dedicated called Google fonts. I would recommend using these fonts because they’re open source and available anywhere. Fonts should be sized based upon the golden ratio (1:1.618). That means if you have a 16 point paragraph font you need to have a 42 point header one font. This allows you to differentiate the import information from the detailed information and find what you need quickly.

Tulsa Website Design Load times with HTML

HTML stands for hypertext markup language. It’s kind like the skeleton that your website is built off of. It gives the primary content like text and outline of the document, but it doesn’t make it look good. That is what CSS (cascading style sheet) is for. Websites that take a long time to load do this because of large amounts of CSS, HTML or JavaScript. Google is looking for the opposite.

Algorithms that rank your website will look for websites that load quickly. How many times have you gone to a website, waited for a minute and then closed that went to a different website. If your website takes longer than approximately 30 seconds to load, on average most users will check a different website. This is extremely bad for business. That’s why it is extremely important that you make sure your website loads properly by not including a lot of overly complex CSS or JavaScript.

Tulsa website design free 30 minute meeting

I hope you found this content helpful as you’re building your very own amazing website. If you need help building your website or have any questions about the content we presented here today, you can click or call today at 918-218-2228 or at info@centupli.com. Our IT insecurities blog presents content just like this to help you become a better business. You can check out our last post here. When you call today, ask about our free “try before you buy” subscription where we will build you an amazing website prototype completely for free.