Configuring FTP Access to a Bluehost Account with Filezilla

by | Aug 2, 2021 | Bluehost

This documentation can only be completed after doing the following steps. 

  1. Download and install the Filezilla Client
  2. Login to Bluehost
  3. Click Advanced from the left panel
  4. Click FTP Accounts
  5. Scroll down to the list of FTP Accounts (You should see the one you configured in the document above.)
  1. Click Configure FTP Client
  2. Locate the Manual Settings
  1. Return to your Filezilla Client
  2. Open the site manager in the upper left corner of your screen.
  1. Click new site
  2. Name the site after the website domain name.
  3. The settings should look similar to…

Pro Tip! Bookmarks 

Use a bookmark to open to specific directories. 

  1. Open the Site Manager
  2. While your Account Connection is Hightlighted, click New Bookmark
  3. Enter the locations you want to automatically open to.