Tulsa Website Design | Hosting, SEO Writing, and More…

by | Jan 4, 2021 | Website Design | SEO

Tulsa based website design companies are one in a dozen. Centupli is different. We handle website design but also handle all other aspects of website development including but not limited to hosting, SEO content writing, updates for security patches, website backup protection and more. Centupli offers all of this based on a fixed monthly subscription. We will help build and maintain your website all for the price of your morning coffee. If you would like to know more about our services or what we offer you can contact us at 918-218-2228 or at info@centupli.com.

Tulsa based website design

Centupli employees amazing graphic designers and WordPress developers who work in collaboration with one another to build amazing websites. These websites are both analytically correct meaning that all technical sides are in compliance with what Google requires to rank high in the search engine results pages, but they are also visually pleasing. We often say if a website has no technical skill it’s similar to putting a billboard in the woods. It might be beautiful to look at, but no one’s going to see it.

SEO content writing

This is where SEO content writing comes in. SEO means search engine optimization. This is creating content that Google likes. Google runs the world. Google is the most used search engine and therefore websites need to cater to what Google’s algorithms rank high. Our SEO content writers understand the principles required to rank high in the search engine results pages. They use these principles to build a website content that not only sounds good, looks good but also works well. Your website is the window into your businesses operations. It’s important that it looks good.

WordPress Developers

Centupli also employs WordPress developers to build Tulsa based website design projects. We employ people skilled in the art of HTML, CSS and JavaScript as well as people who understand PHP code. All of this technical jargon simply means that they understand how to build amazing websites that are technically correct. It means that these people know how to solve problems that are common and even problems that are not common. These are analytical people who are able to design, develop, and maintain websites. 

Website Maintenance

The maintenance that goes into a website is something often overlooked.  many times  Tulsa based website design companies build amazing websites, but then they leave their customers to fend for themselves. Websites need to be maintained. They need to have security updates, backups made of them, and new content added regularly. This helps them rank high in Google and be protected against malicious attackers who would attempt to take down websites. You might ask yourself how do I do this? The response would far outweigh the number of words that we can put on this page. There are many technical things that must be accomplished every month for a website to be maintained properly. These are things like adding SEO content to your website. It also includes things like running website upgrades. Even the simple thing of creating a child theme can take hours for someone who doesn’t understand what a child theme is or why they need it.

Tulsa based Website Design with amazing Websites a Click Away!

If you’re ready to have an amazing website built with the right people at the right time, click or call today at 918-218-2228 right info@centupli.com. Ask about our free “try before you buy” website design process. Also ask about our free 30 minute meeting will we can strategize with you and see what your pain points are. We want to get to know your business better and build a website that accurately depicts who you as a business are. If you’ve enjoyed this post want to see more you can click here to see our IT insecurities blog or click here for our previous post.