Tulsa Website Design | How to Build a Prototype?

by | Jan 8, 2021 | Website Design | SEO

Centupli often is questions from Tulsa based businesses about website design. One such question is how to build a prototype. Prototypes are great. They allow you to try out ideas in an iterative way without expending a lot of energy coding. It allows you to try often and fail fast before you spend a lot of money. If you want to know more about prototyping or if you want to claim your free website prototype, call us today at 918-218-2228. You can also email us at info@centupli.com for more information about any of the posts we discussed here.

Use Adobe XD

Adobe XD is a prototyping software.  In artistic fields like movie making, music and composing, film and photography, and (we can’t forget) website design, it’s important to brainstorm. This is an artistic process and we need to throw out as many ideas as possible to come up with the good ones. You don’t however want to change your design after you start coding. This is where prototypes come in very handy. These prototypes backed by Adobe’s technology allow you to interactively design, iterate and redesign your website until it’s perfect.

Establish strong brand guidelines

If your business doesn’t have these, brand guidelines are an extremely important part of marketing. Consumers trust what is consistent. Whether consumers realizes that are not, inside of their subconscious they physically trust businesses with common brand. This doesn’t happen by accident. The print pieces you build, websites you design, logos you have and anything else you position to your consumer needs to be consistent. That means that the fonts need to look the same. You can’t use Arial one day and Robot the next.  Those are fonts if you didn’t know. Instead, keep everyone on the same page by building a uniform brand guidelines document. This document holds all the information like fonts, logos, colors and more.

Include calls to action in your Tulsa website design

When you first build a website prototype, the main goal is to get the outline. That means that you include what they call “lorem” text. Lorem is placeholder text, but as you progress through the process, you need to include real text. The most important piece of information you can include is the call to action. A call to action is what you’re telling your readers to do. Do you want them to click the subscribe button? Maybe you want them to purchase your product. Whatever the thing is that you want them to do tell them. One of our calls to action is “Designers, SEO content writers, website developers all for the price of your morning coffee. Click now to book a meeting.” In a call to action you tell them what you get and how you get it.

Book a 30 Minute Tulsa based Website Design Meeting Today!

If you need help building your business, call us today at 918-218-2228 or at info at Centupli to get started. We will help you build an amazing website. Prototypes of the first step in an amazing website and we offer hours for free. That’s right. You can get an amazing website prototype completely for free when you call today. If you’re enjoying these posts and would like to see more you check out IT insecurities or here.