Tulsa Website Design | SEO Articles for Days

by | Feb 5, 2021 | Website Design | SEO

Centupli prides itself on offering amazing Tulsa website design services including but not limited to website design, content creation, SEO article creation and much more.  We are a Christian company dedicated to servicing you in whatever capacity that looks like.  Our whole vision is to protect business and restore lives one website at a time.  We do that by offering you with amazing website services that not only look good but also attract businesses and customers to you.  New leads are the best protection against bankruptcy ever created.  

What good is a website that does not rank high in Google?  There is no point in it.  That is like placing a lifeboat in the middle of the ocean.  You might float for a while, but eventually you’ll die of starvation or lack of water.  The same thing happens when you build a website that doesn’t rank high in Google.  It might look great, but no one will ever see it. 

For more information about our website design services, call us at 918-218-228 or email us at info@centupli.com.  Spend your time doing what you do best while we do what we do best.  We generate business for you so that you can sit back and enjoy the ride. 

What is an SEO Article?

The first thing that we need to address is an SEO Article.  What even is it?  That is a great question.  SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization.  These articles help you get to the top of Google by providing real, unplagiarized website content that includes your keyword.  

What is a keyword?  A keyword is words or phrases that your ideal and likely buyer would Google to pull up your website.  For Centupli, it would be something like “Tulsa Website Design” or “Building a New Website”.  You will probably have a different set of keywords that you want to try to rank for. 

How to Write One?

So now that we have an extremely high overview of what a search engine optimization article is, how do we write one?  SEO articles take time.  There is no easy way to create content.  You simply need to write the articles yourself.  That means that you have to create between 500 and 1,000 words per article.  These articles have to include proper spelling and grammar.  They also need to be about the topic you are trying to rank for.  In our case this very article is a SEO article ranking us higher in Google for the SEO keyword. 

How Many Should I Write for my Tulsa Website Design?

The question of how many articles should you write comes down to the keyword and its competition.  Some keywords have extremely high competition.  Think about common items like toilet paper or cereal or your cable.  Lots of businesses are competing for these keywords. 

In general the best way to answer these questions is to Google for your keyword.  Then take stock of what companies come up at the top of your results page.  Look at the business and click into each one.  See what their website looks like.  Also prepend the “site:” tag in the url replacing the “https://” this will search just that site for all the pages that Google can index.  

From there you can see approximately how many pages you need to write to even come up equal to that business.  

Centupli Can Help with your Tulsa Website Design

Centupli is here to help you.  We can help you rank higher in Google by writing some of these SEO articles for you.  Our whole goal is to help you succeed.  Part of that comes down to writing these articles.  For more information call us at 918-218-2228 or email us at info@centupli.com. If you are enjoying this post and want to see more, check out our previous post here.