Tulsa Website Design | Using Google Analytics

by | Feb 6, 2021 | Website Design | SEO

Today we here at Centupli are breaking down how using Google Analytics can help you in your Tulsa based website design business.  Did you know that you can track how many people visit your website?  In fact, you can even track where they click and how many of them purchase things from your website.  That’s right!  You need this kind of reporting to know if your website is truly working for you or if it’s simply another thing that isn’t helping you succeed. With this knowledge you can make smarter decisions and focus your efforts where they need to go to market your business better.  

Do you need to add more SEO content to your website?  Do you need to increase your page rank?  What about when customers DO arrive on your website?  Are they clicking where you want them to?  These are all questions that using Google Analytics can help you answer.  

If these seem confusing or you need help configuring Google Analytics on your website, call Centupli.  We are here to help you get the most out of your website.  With reporting that matters, you can make decisions that matter too.  Take the leap.  When you call us at 918-218-2228 or email us at info@centupli.com, we will help you get the information you need.  Ask about our free “try before you buy” website design subscription.  We will help you build an amazing Tulsa based website design completely for free when you call today.  

What is Google Analytics?

So without further ado, let’s get started on today’s topic.  Google Analytics has been around for a while.  Just recently, however, they released a new version of the product.  They call it Google Analytics 4 – very original we know. This newest version replaced the old Google Analytics Universal Analytics.  

But again, “What IS Google Analytics?”  Google Analytics is a software that tracks web traffic, web clicks, money made, etc.  In other words, it basically gives you all of the “analytics” for your website.  That means you can use this software to tell if your efforts to market yourself online are paying off!  

This is exactly what you need.  If you don’t know what is working, you cannot adjust and improve.  That means that you will always be stuck with a website that is operating subpar. Here at Centupli we are transparent with you.  We want your website to not only look amazing but also to function amazing.  That is why we give you monthly reports on your website and its progress.  These reports are based on Google Analytics and other softwares that we utilize. 

How to Configure Google Analytics

So then the next step is configuring your website to use Google Analytics right?  Exactly!  Like nearly all Google products, Google Analytics is free to use.  The only requirement that must be met is to have control over your website and its domain.  This is where things start to get a little fuzzy for some folks.  This is a great time to involve your local IT support team or website technicians.  If you don’t have a dedicated team focused on you, maybe it’s time to talk to us here at Centupli.   For more information call us at 918-218-2228 or email us at info@centupli.com.  

Prove you Own your Domain

The first thing you need to do is prove that you own the domain you are trying to register for analytics.  You can do this when you sign up for google analytics.  The app will tell you to create a TXT record inside of your domain name provider’s dashboard.  You simply have to go in and add the TXT record. This verifies you own the domain name and aren’t trying to spy on the traffic of another person’s website. 

Add Javascript Code to your Website Header

Again this is where it gets technical.  When you create a website, it is structured with something called HTML.  Google uses javascript to manipulate the HTML and track things.  Google has to place code on your website that will report back to its servers with information about your website traffic. You do this by going into the header section of your website and adding code that they give you. 

Call Centupli for Help

As always Centupli is here to help you succeed.  If you have any questions about configuring your website to run Google Analytics or you want assistance with it, call us at 918-218-2228.  We are here to help.  This post is just one of many posts dedicated to helping you succeed.  We built this IT Insecurities blog to give you the knowledge you can’t get in college.  For more posts like this one, check out our previous post here

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