Website Designers in Tulsa | Google Search Console vs GMB

by | Mar 4, 2021 | Website Design | SEO

Today we look at how website designers in Tulsa like the Centupli team can help you make sense of these Google products.  Most people know that the term google refers to a really, really large number.  It’s way past “billions”, “trillions” or any other large number. Google used this term to describe how many pieces of information it would categorize on the internet, but sometimes it feels like it refers to the number of products they have.  

Google is constantly coming up with new products or combining old products with new ones. There is a lot of rebranding and overall things can get a little confusing.  That is what Centupli is here to help you with.  Google handles over 80% of all internet searches in the entire world.  That is A LOT of searches.  Someplace in there people are searching for businesses just like yours.  It is our job to make you found.  For more information, email us at or call us at 918-218-2228.  

Google Search Console

Ok so the first application that we want to look at today is Google Search Console.  The search console is Google’s way of giving you a front end application for its amazing complicated search algorithm.  This console does a couple of things that we will look at today. 

#1 Indexes your Website

From the Google Search Console, you can index your website.  All that really means is that you let Google know that your website is ready to be found by its search algorithms.  Then Google goes out and looks at your website. 

#2 Insights into Canonical Compliance

We say that a website is “Google Canonically Compliant” when it follows the coding rules that Google has established for a good website.  These are things like being mobile friendly, loading quickly, being programmed properly, etc.  The point is that this search console will show you any errors that your website has along with how to fix them.  

#3 View Page Count

The next thing that Google Search Console gives you is the ability to view how many pages that you have on your website.  This lets you know where you are based on your competition. 

Google My Business

The other application that we want to look at today is called Google My Business.  This is an app that lets you take advantage of locational searching. 

Think, “Good food near me”

You have to register your business with Google My Business.  Then you have to be verified as a business owner, but once you are you can take advantage of online postings.

Our Website Designers in Tulsa are here to help you

Here at Centupli our mission is to protect your business and restore lives one website at a time.  When you work with us, we operate on your behalf to push your business to new heights.  Take the time today to call us at 918-218-2228 or email us at to get started.  When you call us, ask about our free “Try before you buy” website design subscription.  

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