Website Designers in Tulsa | The importance of the GDPR

by | Mar 4, 2021 | Website Design | SEO

Today we are going to talk about the importance of the GDPR to website designers in Tulsa.  If you are looking for a company to take your interest in all things website design, development, implementation and maintenance, then you have come to the right place.  Here at Centupli we are dedicated to providing you with the best quality service possible.  We do this in a variety of ways.  The primary way that we offer you amazing services is through our “Try Before You Buy” website design subscription.  With this subscription, you can immediately see what you are buying before you pay a cent.  That means that you can and will see the value of your purchase.  

For more information or to get started with our “Try Before You Buys” subscription call us at 918-218-2228 or email us at  Here at Centupli we like to say that a website is like the window into your business’ soul.  Now I ask you today, what are people seeing?  That is the true question.  When you purchase a website management subscription you get website designers based in Tulsa that know their stuff.  You also get SEO content writers, graphic designers and much more.  So give us a call today! We look forward to hearing from you!

What is the GDPR?

The GDPR stands for the General Data Protection Regulation; this regulation for online privacy has generated a lot of buzz over the last few years.  It is a regulation based in the EU.  Any business that has customers or interacts with people in the EU needs to be aware of this set of regulations.  

“But what IS it?”  

Great question!  The GDPR is a set of regulations that dictates what companies can do with your personal data.  Basically, the EU ruled in 2016 that you as the consumer owns your data.  That means that you are in control of your information.  If you don’t want a particular company to have information about you, then you have the right to contact them and ask them to remove it.  This set of regulations affects any business that works with EU citizens.  It is rapidly growing to be the world standard for data protection.  

Think of this like a really intense and standardized format for a privacy policy.  In general, this dictates things like website cookies, PII information storage and the right to accurate data.  If your information – like your credit score – is wrong, under the GDPR you have the right to inform the business of your proper information.  

You also have the right to be forgotten.  That means that if you don’t want a company to have your information, you simply have to tell them.  They are required under this set of regulations to remove your private information from their servers. 

Why not in the USA?

The next logical question is to ask, “Why don’t we have something like this in the United States?”  The short answer is “Our Supreme Court.”  

Let’s explain.  

Unlike in the EU, the United States supreme court did not rule that the information about you as an individual is yours.  Instead, they ruled that any information stored on a company’s server is theirs.  That means when they collect information about you, you might be informed, but what they do with that information is largely up to that corporation. 

Why do I care?

The fact still remains that if you as a business want to do business with other corporations that operate overseas, you are required to be GDPR compliant.  This is similar to Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) compliance as a publicly traded company.  The point is that it matters depending on the customers that you service.  

How Centupli and it’s Website Designers in Tulsa can Help

Centupli is here to help.  We will help you manage every aspect of your website including your privacy policy and anything else you need help with.  We realize that designing a website is really only the beginning when it comes to online marketing.  It is no longer good enough to simply have a website – everyone has a website.  The true key is to continue to grow your business with a professional website that grows with you.  

We here at Centupli build your website for the future not the past.  We want to see you succeed.  For more information email or call us at 918-218-2228.  As always this is an IT Insecurities Blog Post.  We are dedicated to helping you overcome any information technology challenges and insecurities that you may have.  This is how you do that.  Check out our previous post here for more information.