Website Designers in Tulsa | Using WordPress

by | Feb 14, 2021 | Website Design | SEO

Today we are talking about the tools that website designers in Tulsa use to build amazing and useful websites. Specifically, today we are going to talk about using WordPress.  WordPress is a completely free CMS system that allows you to create content easily to be Google compatible.  Your website should always play by Google formatting rules if you want to rank high in their SERPs.  A SERP is a “Search Engine Results Page”.  Make sure to create content that will get you high in these pages. 

Today we are talking about WordPress, but if you have any questions about a website, how to build one, or what it takes to rank higher in Google, don’t hesitate to call us at 918-218-2228 or email us at  This post is part of the IT Insecurities blog where we give you the knowledge that you won’t find in college.  Take a look at some of our previous posts here for more information. 

What is a CMS?

A “CMS” or Content Management System is a software that actually builds software.  They make those?  YES!  You use a CMS to build a website or web application faster than if you did it by hand.  The problem with Content Management Systems is that you have to know what they are doing in the background if you really want to operate them properly. 

It is just like any tool that you use to do a task.  It might make the task go faster, but if you don’t ultimately know what is happening in the background you are at a disadvantage.  That is where Centupli’s website designers in Tulsa come into play.  We can build you a website based on a CMS system which makes it easy to adjust and grow later, but we also understand what the CMS is doing. 

Why is WordPress the Best CMS?

WordPress is just a type of CMS.  There are multiple types of CMSs that use different technologies in the background.  It is kind of like driving a Tesla versus a Ford.  They will both get you from point A to point B and they have similarities, but how they get you there is different.  

WordPress is the best because of how many different companies use it.  It is widely supported and used by over 30% of the entire internet (not just small businesses either).  Businesses like Walt Disney World use WordPress to service their customers.  If it works for Disney, then in my book it works for us. vs

This next concept can be confusing when you first start using wordpress.  There is something called “” and “”.  One is “commercial” and the other is open source (respectively).  What this really means is that takes care of some of the hosting of your website.  They basically handle everything for you, but you end up at a disadvantage when you try to build customized websites. is free, but you have to handle hosting it – so really it’s not free.  We recommend that all businesses use and not for their website.

Centupli’s Website Designers in Tulsa

Centupli can help you with your website design.  We are here to build your website for the future.  Part of how we do this is by leveraging technology like WordPress.  When you build your website with a CMS like WordPress, you don’t have to worry about finding website designers and developers in the future.  Instead you can sit back and relax knowing that your website is built for the future. 

For more information about our services and how we can help you succeed, don’t hesitate to contact us at or by phone at 918-218-2228.  Make sure you check out our website posts from previous weeks here.