Website Designers in Tulsa | What to talk about?

by | Mar 9, 2021 | Website Design | SEO

What should you talk to your website designers in Tulsa about?  It can be hard to tell designers what you actually want out of your website.  Here are some of our top questions that we would want our potential clients to ask us.  If you have any others or can think of anything else, don’t hesitate to contact us by phone or email at 918-218-2228 or  Take the time today to get in touch with us. 

Questions to ask your Website Designers in Tulsa

Now that we have that out of the way.  Let’s spend the rest of our time together looking at these questions we talked about. So without further ado here we go!

#1 What information do you need from ME?

This is one of the greatest questions and all time best ways to get the ball rolling.  There is a laundry list of things that we need from you when building your website.  And for the sake of time we are just going to briefly touch on each one of them.  

First up is your unique value proposition. Basically, we want to know how you stand out from the competition.  When you describe your company, how do you represent yourselves against competitors.  Do you compete on price?  Maybe you offer better quality.  Or maybe you have a different manufacturing process than your competitors.  Whatever makes you different is probably the most important piece of information we can have about you. 

Secondly, we want to know your purple cow – if you have one.  The purple cow is one of the best marketing strategies around.  Basically, think about Chick-fil-a and their use of a cow to talk about eating more chicken.  You just want to use something that will stand out in the market just like if you saw a purple cow in the field. 

Lastly, we want to know your mission statement. Basically, this is why you do what you do.  We want to know what makes you tick.  Why did you choose to start the company that you did? Are you passionate about what you do?   

#2 What results can I expect from my website?

This is a great opportunity to set realistic goals for yourself and your website.  In the marketplace today, it is important to realize that it isn’t simply sufficient to just have a website.  You need to have a website and a strategy to bring that website to the front of Google. We want to make sure that everyone is on the same page about what we can realistically do with your website. 

Website Designers in Tulsa for FREE

Centupli is offering an amazing deal right now.  We will give you a website design completely free of charge.  That means that we will build your website in prototype form for you to see before you purchase anything.  We believe that you should be able to see your website before you pay money for it. 

Most website designers will charge you thousands of dollars upfront to build a website that you can’t see for yourself.  When you work with us, we don’t charge you for your website design.  This is a partnership between your company and ours.  We will design, build, maintain and update your website for the average price of your morning cup of coffee per month. 

It’s hard to say no to a deal that good!  Call us at 918-218-2228 for more information about our offer and what it really means for your business. 

As always this post is part of our IT Insecurities blog.  If you want to see more, check out this article here