Website Designers Tulsa | How to use WordPress

by | Mar 5, 2021 | Website Design | SEO

How do website designers in Tulsa use things like WordPress to create my website?  In fact, what even IS WordPress? 

These are great questions!  Today we break down both questions to see how you can use WordPress on your next Tulsa based website. As always, make sure that you work with the best to build your website.  It should be around for a while.  That is why you need the experience of Centupli.  

When you call us today at 918-218-2228, ask about our “try before you buy” website design offer.  We will build your website design for nothing.  That is right.  We will build your website design completely for free!  Why?  Because we believe that you should be able to see what you are purchasing before you pay a cent.  

Take your business to the next level with a Centupli website design.  

What is WordPress?

Before we see how website designers in Tulsa build a website using WordPress, let’s first look at what WordPress even is!  WordPress is an open source website building tool that help you build a website the way that Google wants.  One of the biggest things that you have to keep in mind is that every website needs to follow Google’s rules.  This is called being Google canonical compliance.

Basically you are saying, I will play by the rules Google has outlined for a “good website”. So what are these rules?  Well see that’s where the problem is.  Google’s rules are very technical.  If you don’t understand things like mobile compatibility, HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, SQL and all the other technical jargon, then you are going to have a very hard time build a website from scratch that Google likes. 

This is where WordPress comes in handy.  It isn’t that you HAVE to build your website in WordPress, but when you do, you can build and maintain a website easier. 

What WordPress Can’t Do

Don’t worry though, WordPress can’t do everything for you.  There is still plenty of stuff that you have to understand to build your website the “right” way.  I say the “right” way because this is relative to the rules that Google outlines. Why? Because nearly all website traffic comes from Google.  That means that if there is someone that you want to listen to it’s them. 

WordPress can’t automatically build search engine optimized content.  You have to physically write the content to post onto your website.  No tool is able to actually build the content that you need to put on your website.  In fact, this is probably the hardest part of any website.  

Many business owners get stuck on this part.  “What do I write?” 

You’re not alone.  That is where Centupli is here to help you.  We will build the website content for you.  It is far easier to review content that someone else has written.  We will build your website to the 95% completion mark and then bring you in to review and help revise the wording. 

Centupli Website Designers Tulsa

Tulsa has many website designers in it, but how many of them offer “try before you buy” design subscriptions. (The answer is none.)  We are dedicated to you.  Our mission is to protect business and restore lives.  We can do this by building your website to generate website leads for your business.  You need a company that will partner with you.  That is us. 

For more information call us at 918-218-2228.  Check out our website and previous posts here