Tulsa Website Design | Photoshop Explained Simply

by | Feb 6, 2021 | Website Design | SEO

Have you come across the term “photoshop” while trying to build your Tulsa website design? Maybe you have seen it in articles talking about build website assets like images or logos.  Chances are you have heard the term photoshop somewhere in your life.  Nowadays the term generally refers to an action of editing a photo.  You might have heard someone say, “That photo is so photoshopped”.  

Adobe Photoshop changed the way we edited, managed and even took photos so completely that it became a verb to be used.  But what really IS Photoshop?  That is the question we are answering here today.  

Centupli Can Help You

As always, this post is part of the IT Insecurities blog.  We break down complex topics and make them simple, giving you the knowledge you can’t get in college – we would know.  Centupli has amazing website designers and graphic designers fluent in Adobe products like Photoshop.  If you want to build an amazing Tulsa website design, you need amazing people with even more amazing skill.  

That is where we come in.  Centupli offers you great people and resources all for a monthly subscription roughly the same price as your morning coffee per month.  Take advantage of our capabilities today by signing up for our free “try before you buy” website design subscription.  We will build you an amazing website design prototype completely free of charge.  This interactive prototype will talk you through giving you an idea of what your website will feel like when it is complete. 

Call us today at 918-218-2228 to get more information or to schedule an appointment with one of our representatives. Now without further ado, let’s get started!

What is Adobe Photoshop?

So what is Adobe Photoshop?  Photoshop is a desktop application that comes part of Adobe’s Creative Cloud subscription.  You can download it to your Windows or Mac computer.  Photoshop is probably the most popular application that Adobe makes, but that is only because it’s the oldest and one of the first of its kind.  The truth is that almost all Adobe products are widely available and used by graphic designers, videographers, and other artistic contractors. 

How does it work?

The software works on raster images (although it has some minor capabilities in vector art).  Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop are cousins and work well together.  The first handles vector images while the second handles raster images.  So what is the difference?  Vectors are built off of formulas.  

Vector Example

Let’s take a look at this simple example.  Below I have a vector image of a science beaker.  The beaker is drawn by a formula.  

<div>Icons made by <a href=”https://www.freepik.com” title=”Freepik”>Freepik</a> from <a href=”https://www.flaticon.com/” title=”Flaticon”>www.flaticon.com</a></div> 

In fact, this is the exact formula that is used.

<svg id=”Capa_1″ enable-background=”new 0 0 512 512″ height=”512″ viewBox=”0 0 512 512″ width=”512″ xmlns=”http://www.w3.org/2000/svg”><g id=”XMLID_2_”><g><path d=”m359.8 284.1 85.59 123.82c6.69 9.68 10.61 21.42 10.61 34.08 0 33.14-26.86 60-60 60h-280c-33.14 0-60-26.86-60-60 0-12.66 3.92-24.4 10.61-34.08l64.21-92.89 121.18-52.03z” fill=”#ccffb3″/><g fill=”#fff”><path d=”m326.61 236.08 33.19 48.02c-7.71-1.29-15.76-2.1-23.8-2.1-40 0-80 20-80 20s-40 20-80 20c-15.9 0-31.8-3.16-45.18-6.97l54.57-78.95c6.69-9.68 10.61-21.42 10.61-34.08v-192h120v192c0 12.66 3.92 24.4 10.61 34.08z”/><g><circle cx=”316″ cy=”362″ r=”30″/><circle cx=”196″ cy=”402″ r=”30″/></g><circle cx=”296″ cy=”442″ r=”10″/></g></g><path d=”m453.615 402.234-118.778-171.839c-5.781-8.365-8.837-18.184-8.837-28.395v-182h30c5.522 0 10-4.477 10-10s-4.478-10-10-10h-200c-5.523 0-10 4.477-10 10s4.477 10 10 10h30v182c0 10.211-3.056 20.03-8.836 28.394l-118.781 171.841c-8.101 11.722-12.383 25.473-12.383 39.765 0 38.598 31.402 70 70 70h280c38.598 0 70-31.402 70-70 0-14.293-4.282-28.044-12.385-39.766zm-259.998-160.469c8.101-11.722 12.383-25.473 12.383-39.765v-182h100v182c0 14.293 4.282 28.044 12.384 39.766l20.929 30.279c-29.278-.735-64.936 9.586-87.779 21.008-.38.189-38.468 18.947-75.534 18.947-8.901 0-18.524-1.095-28.71-3.214zm202.383 250.235h-280c-27.57 0-50-22.43-50-50 0-10.211 3.056-20.03 8.836-28.394l60.205-87.099c14.548 3.645 28.298 5.493 40.959 5.493 41.879 0 82.752-20.196 84.465-21.052.381-.19 38.469-18.948 75.535-18.948 5.683 0 11.734.454 18.03 1.336l83.133 120.27c5.781 8.364 8.837 18.183 8.837 28.394 0 27.57-22.43 50-50 50z” fill=”#53d0a6″/></g></svg>

It works by giving dimension and mathematical coordinates.  In theory, you could build all of this by hand if you really wanted to, but that is what Adobe Illustrator is for. 

Raster Example

Now we have a raster image.  It looks like this is the same image right?  The difference is that instead of telling the browser to render the image based on a formula.  This image simply says, “Go to this position in a pixel grid and put this color there.”  That means that when you take this image and make it really big you end up with pixelation.

Beaker for Tulsa website design example 1

What is Pixelation?

You know what pixelation is whether you realize it or not.  Pixelation is what happens when you start to physically see the pixels that make up an image. The pixels are always there you just can’t see them because they are tiny for every square inch of the image, but when you make the image larger…

It doesn’t look so good.  

So Why Use Photoshop?

So then the next thing you might ask is why use Photoshop at all?  If you get pixelation with raster images, why not always use vector images.  The short answer is that you can’t do as much with vector images as you can with raster images. 

You can’t build an image like this in Adobe Illustrator. We have to have Photoshop if we want to make any edits to the image. 

When to use Adobe Photoshop?

The simplest answer is to use Photoshop when you want to make edits to raster images.  Make sure that when you are building things like logos or banners you DON’T use Photoshop.  Check out here for more information. 

Centupli for Tulsa Website Design

Centupli is here to help you.  Call us today at 918-218-2228 for more information or assistance on using Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator.  You can do this! An amazing website takes amazing content.  Part of that content is images.  You want to make sure that you both look and feel like a professional business.  Tulsa based website design plans can help you do that. Check out more here.