Tulsa Website Design | All you Need for Growth

by | Feb 5, 2021 | Website Design | SEO

Centupli is dedicated to giving our clients the tools to grow their business faster than the average Tulsa based website design.  We specialize in managing website design, hosting and maintenance so that you can handle what you are good at.  Our goal is to protect business and restore lives one website at a time.  We do this by offering affordable website design services and hosting plans that let you grow your business to the next level.  Here at Centupli we like to say that a website is like the window into your business’s soul.  I ask you today, “what are people seeing?”  

We here at Centupli offer you great subscriptions that allow you to get the most of your website.  Our packages range from starter packages (for the basic website) all the way to the most comprehensive website design with custom portals.  All of our subscriptions come with a “try before you buy” period in which you can see what we are offering before you pay a cent. For more information, call us at 918-218-2228 or email us at info@centupli.com.  

Hosting for Tulsa Website Design

Centupli prides itself on offering reliable website hosting.  What is hosting?  Sometimes terms like dedicated IP address or shared hosting plans can be confusing.  Hosting is a term that we use to describe the storage of a website on a server.  When you host a website it gets registered to the internet and a “domain name” is associated with it.  A domain name is everything you type in your web browser that comes after the “www.”.  

So we know you have to host your Tulsa website design but what about the type of hosting.  There are many different options as to how you can host your website.  You can either host your website via a dedicated IP address (not recommended) or through a shared hosting service.  

Dedicated IP Address

There are a lot of myths about hosting a website with a dedicated IP address.  Some say that it is a requirement while others says that it isn’t needed.  One of the primary concerns with hosting on a shared IP address is that Google could blackmail your site because of someone else.  This is largely a myth and is extremely unlikely.  Another supposed benefit is SSL certificates.  Google likes to know what your website is secure.  They use SSL certificates to tell this.  It used to be that only dedicated IP addresses could reliably get an SSL certificate.  That isn’t the case in today’s world either. 

Shared Hosting

Shared hosting is exactly what it sounds like.  When you host your website, it uses resources on a server.  A shared hosting plan allows you to share resources with other people’s websites.  The hosting providers will try to tell you that you need a dedicated IP address so that your site will be faster, but the truth is that in today’s age it simply isn’t worth it.  

Dedicated servers don’t have a noticeable speed difference.  Instead if you use some basic technical skill and plugins like caching and content distribution networks (CDNs) you can dramatically increase the load speed of your site without breaking the bank.  


Next, we set you up for growth with the technology that we implement your website in.  WordPress is the world’s leading content management system (CMS).  Over 30% of the world’s websites use WordPress with more growing each day.  The point is that we aren’t locking you into one-of technology that is extremely hard to maintain.  You can find wordpress developers for cheap in today’s web development atmosphere.  

WordPress is a great technology to use.  It allows you to get a lot for a very small amount of money.  Because the technology is open source, you can take advantage of hundreds of thousands of developers around the world as they work to make the platform more secure, easier to use and faster.  You don’t want to have to pay someone yourself to do the work that WordPress already does for you for free. 

On top of that, WordPress is good at building websites that are Google canonically compliant.  That simply means that WordPress builds your website in a way that Google likes.  You want your website to be acceptable to Google’s standards.  Because they are the biggest game in town, you have to play by their rules.  That means making sure your HTML, CSS and javascript code is up to snuff.  You can do this all by hand, but you would have to not only know the technical aspects of how to code but also have to understand the complete inner workings of Google’s ranking engine.  (Things we here at Centupli are quite familiar with.)  The point is by using WordPress we are able to set our clients up for further growth with (or without) us at their side.

SEO Articles

Finally, Centupli offers best in class search engine optimization articles.  These articles work to rank your website higher inside of Google’s search results by telling Google’s algorithms what your website is all about.  It is important to write content and continue to update your website as this tells Google that you’re open for business. Make sure that you set yourself up for success later on down the road by continuing to add at least 12 new articles a year. Do SOMETHING to show Google that your website is alive and well and you’re ready for business. 

Our Packages for Your Tulsa Website Design

Centupli is proud to offer Tulsa based website design services for everyone.  Regardless of your business success, everyone needs a website in today’s marketplace.  With a website, your business can go from small time mom and pap to big time company.  If you are looking for someone to take care of all of the technical aspects of your website for you, then talk with one of our representatives.  We are ready to help you build and maintain your websites.  Call us today at 918-218-2228 for more information or email us at info@centupli.com.  

As always this post is part of the IT Insecurities blog.  Checkout our previous post here.  If you have any questions let us know, and we will try to answer your questions as quickly as possible.