Tulsa Website Design | SEO Article Readability Requirements (Part 2)

by | Jan 13, 2021 | Website Design | SEO

Our mission is to protect business and restore lives one Tulsa website design at a time. Centupli is dedicated to help our customers build amazing businesses that grow and succeed. We do this by offering website design, development and hosting services as well as offering website growth services like search engine optimization. Anything that your business needs website wise we have covered. If you need an e-commerce website or some type of custom website portal, we can do that too.  For more information about our website design subscriptions and services, call us today at 918-218-2228 or email us at info@centupli.com.

This is part two of our post on search engine optimization articles and readability requirements. If you didn’t catch it, check out our previous post here. Today we want to further break down some of the readability requirements of look at three in particular. We will look at active versus passive voice, sentence length, and consecutive sentences. But before we do that we need to define what search engine optimization is and what the readability score is.

 What is search engine optimization in Tulsa Website Design?

Google is what we call a search engine. The concept of search engine optimization is simply building websites in a way that Google will rank highly on their search engine results page. A search engine results page is the page that comes up when you type in a question in the Google search bar. No looks at page 2. That’s why it’s extremely important that you write on page 1. With these search engine optimization articles, you’re on track to ranking high in Google.

What is readability?

There are two primary concepts that Google ranks website content based on: readability and keywords. Today we will look at the former. Readability is exactly what it sounds like. It’s how hard or easy it is to find the content that you need to find. Think about Google users. When you search Google for an answer, not looking to read the entire article. In fact if a website takes a long time to load or has a lot of words, most of the time we just move on. Google realizes this too. That’s why they rank websites with content structured in an easy-to-read format. The goal is for the content to be skim-able. You want to easily be able to read the topic sentences and figure out what the content is about.

Active versus passive voice

maybe you remember back to your 12th grade English class where they talked about active versus passive voice. “John hit the ball.” vs “The ball was hit by John.” That’s a thought process. Which one sounds better? The first one sounds better. It sounds more impactful and important. Google once a certain percentage of your content to be in active voice. They do this because they wanted to be readable and good content.

Sentence length

When you write content in Google, make sure that your sentences are the proper length. Google wants to avoid long run-on sentences. This is again just basic English. You don’t want to have sentences that go on and on and on for more than 20 words. One sentence here or there with that amount of words is fine, but not many.  Only about 25% of the content can be that long. So you want to make sure to write content that is easy to read by reducing the length of your sentences.

Consecutive sentences

Another stylistic thing that Google does not rank well is consecutive sentences. Think about how boring it would be to read an article if all of the sentences started with the same word. Google frowns upon this. In general any aspect of an article you would want to read, chances are Google won’t either. When you write sentences, make sure that you don’t have more than two sentences with the same word at the beginning. If you’re using something like WordPress and Yoast SEO, you can easily check for consecutive sentences. In fact, everything that we’re talking about in this article today can be checked using this technology.

Tulsa based website design, development and hosting.

Everything we discussed today can be found on our IT insecurities blog. If you want more information, you can check out the blog or give us a call at 918-218-2228. For any questions you have on SEO readability or other search engine optimization topics, email us at info@centupli.com. Take your business to the next level with an amazing website design. If you’re looking for a business to partner with you, look no further. Our business is ready to help you design an amazing website. We offer search engine optimization articles in bulk to help you rank at the top of Google.