Tulsa Website Design | The Fastest SEO Articles Written

by | Jan 13, 2021 | Website Design | SEO

Today we want to look at a Tulsa website design concept that is often overlooked. We talk a lot on our IT insecurities blog about search engine optimization. But today I will look at the fastest way to write search engine articles. This will be a short post. But in it I want to cover the technology, application and usage. If you have any questions about the content presented here today email us at info@centupli.com. And when you do ask about our free try before you buy the website design process. We will build you an amazing website design for completely free. No one should have to pay for something they can’t see. Centupli does it for free.

Dictation software in Tulsa Website Design

When you write search engine optimization content, the most important thing is to create a lot of it. It’s very hard sometimes to type all that content. That’s why you can use something called a dictation software. Dragon natural language processing is a perfect example of this technology. Google also has similar technologies built into their Google documents. The concept is to be able speak and that it will pick up your voice and write the content. Sometimes this will create content with strange wording, but you can go back and fix that content.

If you’re looking for someone who can write your content and efficient way, talk to us here at Centupli. We write quality articles that are never copied. Copied content always hurts your SEO ranking.  

Many times businesses will offer cheap search engine optimization articles, but they can’t be content from other places. This will hurt your search engine ranking faster than any other thing.

Applying dictation software

We recommend that you open up some form of Google Doc or WordPad to dictate to. You can easily write hundreds of lines of content quickly from there. You can do things like move the cursor, added periods or scratch words right from your voice. This also allows you to do two things at once. You can write content while also revising it in your head.

Using the technology

Then we recommend that you track these search engine optimization articles inside of a Google sheet. This lets you as the business owner see how many articles are being created every day. All these articles are then turned over to a different human being. This different employee will use WordPress to publish these articles.

Our Tulsa website design

Centupli is a Tulsa based website design company whose mission is to build amazing websites. If you need help building search engine optimization articles or would like to know more about our process in generating them, call us. You can call us at 918-218-2228 or at info@centupli.com. As always the IT insecurities blog is creating amazing content just for you. Our goal is to provide content that you can use on a daily basis to succeed. Check our previous post here and have an amazing day.