Tulsa Website Design | The Golden Ratio in Typography

by | Jan 23, 2021 | Website Design | SEO

In the last post here, we wrote an overview of what the golden ratio is and how companies use it in their Tulsa based website design.  Centupli is a company dedicated to building the best websites for its customers.  Nothing can bring your business from a small time company to the big leagues like a professional looking website.  The current online marketing climate is one of great competition.  Now more than ever you need to take advantage of every opportunity to grow your business.  Centupli is here to help you.  For more information, call us at 918-218-2228 or email us at info@centupli.com.  

The Golden Ratio Explained

The golden ratio is a mathematical value (1 to 1.618) that designers use to determine sizes.  Everything from the number of petals on a sunflower to the Greek Parthenon use this ratio to determine sizes and dimensions.  The power behind this little ratio is that it takes away the abstraction of art.  

Think about those questions you have when trying to make something look good. 

  • How big should it be?
  • Where should it sit?
  • How far apart?
  • What about the number, How many of them should there be?

The golden ratio can help you answer these questions.  

Typography and the Golden Ratio 

Today we will look at how we can utilize the golden ratio in typography.  Personally speaking this was always rather difficult for me to wrap my head around.  I didn’t know what size text should be on a website.  It sounds like a simple question with an even simpler answer, but the truth is that typography in website design can be very confusing and complicated. 

Background information on Tulsa website design

When we look at this background information, this will make just a bit more sense.  Think about your website.  There are actually many different variations of your website.  You have to design a website version for your iPhone, the iPad and your Laptop, but wait.  What about the Samsung Galaxy S10?  Or what about the Nexus or Google Pixel?  My point is that there are actually upwards of 20 different common cell phones, tablets and computer monitor sizes.  Each one of these devices requires different configurations and slight tweaking.  

With so many different sizes, it becomes difficult to simply “pick one” and stick with it.  What works perfectly for your iPhone might look terrible on a tablet and even worse on your desktop computer.  All of these different size variations means that it can be difficult to tell what size text to set your designs to. 

Golden Ratio Typography Calculator

Here at Centupli we personally use this table to depict the settings to use.  Without getting too much into the technical details.  The number in smaller fonts next to the large “px” values are in the units called “rem”.  These use the root node of the website to tell what size to make the font on the screen.  

That is what you want to use anytime you are building a website.  These text values are separated in size based on the 1:1.618 (golden ratio).  That means that they are ideally calculated to look and feel natural on any device.  

Tulsa Website Design done right

We are just scratching the surface of what is possible when you consider the mathematics of design.  The golden ratio is probably the most widely used ratio for design.  It is based in nature and therefore we as humans feel a connection to it that makes us comfortable.  If you can make your brand comforting and inviting, not based solely on logic, but simply by how you feel.  You will go a long way toward making a sale.  

For more information on how you can do this in your website, call us at 918-218-2228 or email us at info@centupli.com.  Don’t hesitate to ask us any questions you may have regarding design or website creation, hosting or maintenance.  We handle all of these services in more providing peace of mind and fast services. 

As always this post is part of IT Insecurities – a blog dedicated to showing you knowledge you can’t get in college.  Check out our previous post here.