Tulsa Website Design | Using the Golden Ratio

by | Jan 23, 2021 | Website Design | SEO

Today we are discussing the Golden Ratio and how it can be used in your Tulsa website design.  It is important to know about the golden ratio because it affects so much of the design world around us.  When it comes to using the golden ratio, many businesses will use the measurements of the golden ratio to create logos, images and arrange print pieces.  For more information call us at 918-218-2228 or email us at info@centupli.com

There are three primary places that the golden ratio can be used: logos, print pieces and websites. Today we want to discuss each of these three use cases.  Your company can benefit from the knowledge presented here today.  Let’s first look at what the golden ratio is. The golden ratio is 1:1.618.  If you wonder how we arrived at that number, you can check out our previous posts here.  But for today, let’s just stick with the golden ratio’s value without seeing how we derive it. 

Golden Ratio in Logo Design

When modern day companies build logos, they use the principles of the golden ratio to determine how large the logo should be.  In art school you learn that any large design project can be broken down into simple shapes.  From these simple shapes (squares, circles, etc.), you can build compound shapes and so on and so forth.  Look at the most well known logos like Google or Facebook.  It looks like a simple “G” or font, but underneath is a very subtle addition.  The golden ratio tells you how big to make the gap in the “G” or how large the Facebook font should be.  Logos like Twitter and Instagram use the circle shape to create the compound icons you see today.  

Golden Ratio in Print Pieces

The golden ratio can be used for more than just logo design.  Sometimes we only hear of the golden ratio when talking about logos.  The design community uses the golden ratio for everything. Ask yourself the next question.  How much white space should I include in my designs?  The golden ratio can help you answer that very question.  This ratio gives you a mathematical formula to design that removes much of the abstraction from the process of design. 

Tulsa Website Design & the Golden Ratio

Finally, let’s look at the major thing that Centupli uses the golden ratio for – Tulsa website design.  When you design a website, how tall should you make the navigation menu?  What about the size of the logo?  Should that image be that large?  These are all questions that the golden ratio can help designers and wordpress developers answer.  The biggest question of all is what will you do with the golden ratio.  

Centupli’s Tulsa Website Design

Centupli is dedicated to creating amazing websites for our customers.  We are ready to help you put the golden ratio to work in your business.  Don’t spend another minute haggling over font sizes, image placement or what to write on your website.  It can be hard to come up with the words to say to describe your business.  

Have you ever thought about how you look to your customers?  Of course you have!  Here at Centupli we like to say that your website is like a window into your business’s soul.  What are people seeing?  That is the question we ask you today.  

As always for more information about our services or for information about how we can help you succeed, call us at 918-218-2228 or email us at info@centupli.com.  Check out our IT Insecurities blog for more posts like this one here