Tulsa Website Design | What is Google Analytics?

by | Feb 6, 2021 | Website Design | SEO

Today we here at Centupli are breaking down what Google Analytics is and how it’s used for your Tulsa based website design.  We know that sometimes it can be confusing.  What are all of these Google products?  There’s Google Search Console, Google Analytics tools, Google AdWords and much more.  What am I supposed to do?  What am I supposed to use?

We get it!  That is exactly what we thought when we first started.  You need a guide to assist you in getting from point A to point B.  You need someone to give you the knowledge that you can’t get in college.  The actually important information just comes from hard work.  That is where we at Centupli thrive.  We can help you build an amazing website that not only looks good, but a website that also functions amazing. 

For more information about our services or how we can help you succeed, call us at 918-218-2228.  Make sure to ask about our free initial consultation and “try before you buy” offering.  As always this post is part of the IT Insecurities blog where we give you knowledge you can’t get anywhere else. 

Google Analytics Defined

As the name might suggest to you, Google Analytics provides “analytics” for your site.  But what kind of analytics can Google provide?  You would be surprised at the level of detail that Google can provide you about your website traffic.  Google can not only pinpoint the number of visitors to your site; it can also give you specific insights into who is clicking on what.  You even have the ability to track where specific visitors are in the world.  You can see for instance how many visitors come from locations like South America or even specific towns in a country. 

Google Analytics and Tulsa Website Design

So how does Google analytics help you specifically with your Tulsa based website design?  That’s a great question!  Google analytics allows you to see what is working and what isn’t working.  You no longer have to guess if a specific call-to-action is working better or worse than another one.  Instead, you can simply look at the conversion rate numbers from Google analytics to determine which works better. 

This is a great tool for anyone looking to get serious about their marketing.  You have to remove emotion from any marketing campaign and see what actually works.  That is what using Google Analytics is all about. 

How can Centupli help YOU?

So we pose this question here today, “How can Centupli help you?” If you need assistance verifying your domain name for Google Analytics or maybe you need help configuring your Google Javascript into your website’s header, we can help you with all of this.  Our goal is to protect businesses and restore lives one website at a time.  We service that goal with real time analytics that truly show where you’re at.  Take the leap call us today at 918-218-2228 to get started.  

This post is just one of many Tulsa website design posts that might interest you.  For more information about our services, check out here.  If you would like to see our previous post, you can click here.