Tulsa Website Design | What Purple says about your Business

by | Jan 11, 2021 | Website Design | SEO

Centupli is a Tulsa based website design company intent on doing the best job of presenting your business to the world. We specialize in color branding which allows us to create a website that accurately reflects you to your concert. It’s not just about how it looks it’s about how it feels. This might be a new concept for business owners. The way that your brand is presented to consumers your fonts, colors and images all make your consumers or potential buyers feel a certain way. Our goal is to make them feel like purchasing your product or service. Today we’re talking about how purple can do that for you. If you have any questions about the content presented here today, you can click or call at 918-218-2228 or at info@centupli.com.

Purple for royalty

For a very long time now purple has represented royalty. This stems back into the medieval times what purple was a very hard color to come by. Will families were the only ones able to have the color purple because of how hard it was to make. Over time purple became easier to make, but by that time our human psychology was so rooted in the fact that purple this will be royalty, that we still associate today. If your business wants to feel regal or pompous purple is a great color for you. Don’t take this the wrong way. Purple is a good color for businesses that want to feel expensive. Think about maybe a winery or a jewelry store. The color purple can help you convey messages of royalty and therefore worth.

Purple for luxury

the next aspect of the color purple goes right along with the first. Purple is used to convey luxury. Think about fine purple drapes or curtains. Your business could maybe use purple to represent worth or expense. I’ve seen some businesses use it to represent quality. Think about planet fitness. They use purple to represent inclusiveness and expense. Some businesses want to feel fancy. The perfect example that I can think of would be a winery. The grapes are purple. Bottles of wine are purple. What better mascot color than the color purple? The bottom line is used purple to represent royalty and luxury.

Tulsa Website Design, Ambition and purple

The final aspect of purple to represent is ambition. Again, this goes right along with the medieval thought process.  In the book 48 laws of power Robert Greene references the time the kings and noblemen in the courtroom. In his book he references the power struggle that goes on inside of a courtroom. Noblemen would fight and squabble over land rights and wealth at the expense of the common people. From this place of history, I believe people came to represent purple with ambition. Purple already represented the noblemen. As we said previously, luxury and nobility were synonymous with purple. It’s natural for the attributes of those noblemen to bleed over into the color purple so that more of the nobleman’s attributes were represented in the color.

Who would benefit from purple?

Now here’s the question that I would pose to you as the reader today. “What do you benefit from purple?” Again I would integrate this concept. It’s not about representing your business in one way or another. It is, but it is also about attracting certain customers and making them feel that way. Your business is not about you. Your Tulsa based website design should be about you. It should be about how you make your potential customers feel. It’s not about your information or your vision. Instead, you want to address the problems your potential buyers might have with your product.

Our Tulsa based website design

Centupli is a Tulsa based website design company dedicated to helping. Don’t hesitate to call us at 918-218-2228 or at info@centupli.com. If you have any questions or would like to see some other article presented here today, email us!  Centupli is dedicated to building you an amazing website. That’s why we offer free website design prototypes and strategizing meetings for anyone interested. Give us a call day and set up an appointment. Let us help you go where you want to go. Check out our articles here or here for more information on colors and branding.