Website Designers in Tulsa | Privacy Policies

by | Mar 4, 2021 | Website Design | SEO

Today we look at how Centupli website designers in Tulsa offer you help in every area of your website – including privacy policies.  We often get asked, “Are privacy policies a requirement for my online website.”  The short answer is that it depends.  It depends on your industry.  But we will get into all of that information in this post today.  

For right now, I want to talk about our offer.  Today we are offering our website management subscription services 30% off!  That means that now more than ever is the best time to purchase our website management services.  We will design, build, and maintain your website for the average price of your morning coffee.  Take the time today to get in touch with us.  We want to hear from you!  For more information call us at 918-218-2228.  As always thank you for all that you do as a business to build up the Tulsa community. 

What is a Privacy Policy?

Most businesses don’t struggle with understanding what a privacy policy actually is.  In fact, the name does a pretty great job explaining all on its own.  Still, for those who want to be extremely sure they understand, here is a definition of the term “privacy policy”. 

A Privacy Policy is a statement of how a company discloses, gathers, and manages a customer data.  

In other words, you basically are informing the customer using your website what you do with the information that you collect.  This information is stuff like

  • IP Addresses
  • Frequency of Visits
  • Web Address
  • Comments

It is anything that you collect.  That means that this list could go on and on depending on your website.  

Note: If you take payment on your website and allow customers to directly enter credit card information, that information is stored on your servers.  If that is the case, your company needs to be PCI compliant.  You don’t want to have to be PCI compliant – it’s kind of a big headache.  This is why Elon Musk made millions of dollars off of PayPal.  He took the brunt of the work and stores the credit card information for you so that you don’t have to worry about it. 

Do I need a Privacy Policy?

Now that we got that side note out of the way, let’s look at the real question.

Do I need a privacy policy?

Again the answer depends on a lot of factors.  Here are two that we will briefly touch on today.  If you are a financial institution, according to the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, you have to include some form of privacy policy if you are “significantly engaged” in financial activities.  

Basically here is the rule of thumb, if you are collecting any information that is used to identify an individual then you need a privacy policy.  This could be things like

  • Credit Card Information
  • Names
  • IP Addresses
  • Birthdays 

The other instance in which you need a privacy policy is if you are trying to be GDPR compliant. If you want to operate your business and have customers in locations like the EU, then you need to be GDPR compliant.  That means that you need to include a privacy policy. 

Website Designers in Tulsa for You

Centupli is here to help you with website designers in Tulsa that can build you the website you always wanted.  Although we are not in any form a self proclaimed attorney, we can help you get started with your business’s privacy policy.  It is always important when handling any legal aspect of your business to fully consult with an attorney.  We here at Centupli are here to help you in any way we possibly can.  When you call us today at 918-218-2228 we will be happy to assist you with any questions you may have.  

Sign up now for our “Try Before You Buy” website design subscription.  We will build your next website design completely free of charge.  That means that there is no commitment.  There is only the potential for success when you work with us.  

For more information, email us at  Our IT Insecurities blog is here for you.  Check out a previous post here for more information.