Website Designers in Tulsa | What we can do

by | Mar 4, 2021 | Website Design | SEO

Centupli offers website designers in Tulsa that can take your business to the next level.  We pride ourselves in helping business owners just like you succeed.  If you need assistance in any area of your business’s website (design, development, wording, or publishing) we can help.  It isn’t just about having a good looking website, it is also extremely important to have a website that functions well.  For more information about how we can help you, call us today at 918-218-2228.  Our goal is to bring your business to the next level.  We protect your business and restore lives one website at a time. 

Website Design for Tulsa Companies

Let’s start by looking at what Centupli and its team of website designers in Tulsa can do for your business.  We offer something we affectionately call the “Try Before You Buy” trial subscription.  

Basically, this offer allows you to see what your website might look like if you partner with us.  We come in and talk with you about your website design.  We want to know what you like and don’t like about your current website.  Then our designers get to work building an amazing interactive website design prototype.  This prototype allows you to interact with your “website” just as you would if it were really live. 

We here at Centupli love to show potential customers exactly what they are looking for without having to pay a cent.  We believe that you shouldn’t have to put your faith in us until you see what we have to offer.  When we partner with you, you see what you get before you purchase. 

Website Wording and Copy Writing

The most underrated – and probably the most difficult part – of any website is the creation of “copy”.  

“Copy” is simply the text that is on your website. This is all the information and the way that it is presented.  There are two reasons why this can be sometimes hard. 

  1. Websites are designed not only for the customer but also for Google. 
  2. If you can’t explain it to a 5 year old, you don’t understand it enough. 

The first of these is what we are focusing on today.  If you build your website content only for potential customers, you will fail.  The reason why is because Google needs to understand what your website is about so that it can rank it inside of the results page.  Google’s only way of understanding what your website is about is to look at the information on the pages.  Google is looking for keywords to determine context for information.  That is where SEO content comes into play.

Website Publishing and Hosting

Many companies hire website designers or developers to build them a website, but then are left with subpar deployment and hosting.  The designer doesn’t have any incentive to help truly refine the deployment of your website because this is the end of their work.  When you hire pump and dump service men, that is what you will get!

Website Maintenance

Centupli’s website management subscriptions really shine when it comes to website maintenance.  Unlike other website designers in Tulsa, Centupli sticks around.  We are here to help you in the long term. That means regardless of what you end up doing we can help you succeed in your online marketing efforts.  

Your next website design is one click away!

Call us at 918-218-2228 today to get started! Ask about our “Try Before You Buy” website design subscription.  When you call today we will set up a meeting to come out and show you how to get the best out of your online marketing efforts. We are excited to show you what an online marketing campaign that works looks like.  Ask about our free interactive website design prototype.  

If you have any questions or would like to see some specific content, email us at with any questions you may have. Look at this previous post here for more information.