What is Google Analytics?

by | Mar 4, 2021 | Google Products

Today we are answering the question, What is Google Analytics?

Google offers a lot of products and services.  On top of that many of the products that they offer are constantly being updated or rebranded.  The most recent one that comes to mind is how G Suite was rebranded as Google Workspace. 

Google Analytics is just one of many products built to help you reach your online marketing goals.

But what is it really? 

Google Analytics is a website traffic tracking tool.  It tells you the who, what, when and where of your website traffic.

Google Analytics is/does…

The easiest way to tell you what Google Analytics is is to tell you what it does.

  • Tracks the number of people that view your website.
  • Saves the number of times people view content on your website.
  • Records the duration of their stay on your website.
  • Tracks where in your website they travel to.
  • Shows the geolocation of your visitors.
  • Tracks the number of organic vs referral searches.

These are just some of the things that you can do with Google Analytics.  It’s meant to help you see how your content is (or isn’t) helping your visitors.  You can use these numbers to determine what your visitors like and dislike about your website.  Then…you change it!

Google Analytics is NOT…

There is a distinction between Google Analytics and Google Search Console.  This can be hard to see sometimes.  That is why we built this helpful article explaining what Google Search Console is and what it isn’t.  

You can check that out here

Google Analytics is not…

  • A way to track page rank (how well SEO is working)
  • To increase leads. 
  • A way to optimize SEO.

Google Analytics is like the history report that you get from your website.  The whole point is that it discusses past events.  You are looking to the past.  In general you can use Google Analytics to determine how effective your online marketing retention is.  

You use Google Analytics to see how long people stay on your website.  

If you are getting people to your website but they are leaving in 2 seconds or less, then you don’t have an SEO problem you have a content problem.

You want to make sure that your website is both visible to Google and also to your potential customers in a way that they both like.  If you are immediately getting visitors that come to your website and leave after a few seconds, why?  

The answer is the content and calls to action you produced.  You want to make sure that your visitors are liking what they see.  

The average visitor spends 15 seconds before leaving the site.

You have about 15 seconds to capture visitors attention and keep them reading.  The way you do that is through great design. 

Centupli is here to help you

We here at Centupli have extremely helpful Google Analytics reports built specifically for our customers.  We believe that having a website isn’t good enough anymore.  Instead of simply taking a passive role in your future, let Centupli help you build a plan of attack.  

We use custom reports (like the one being explained in this report here) to give you insight into your website’s performance. 

For more information call us today at 918-218-2228 or email us at info@centupli.com.  If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask.  

If you aren’t already subscribed to one of our website management subscriptions, we are offering a FREE “Try Before You Buy” website offer.  We build you an amazing interactive website design prototype that you can see for yourself.  Then – and only then – after you are satisfied with the design, we will build the website, deploy and maintain your website for the same price as your morning coffee.