Configuring a DNS Name through GoDaddy
A Domain Name is the name that you type when trying to navigate to a website. You know what this is whether you realize it or not. This is everything after the “www.”. So in this case “” would be a domain name name. A Domain Name Provider...
Picking a Domain Name
There is a lot to consider when choosing a domain. Make sure that you take all of these concepts into consideration when picking a domain. You will only need to pick a domain name one time. If you are redoing a website, you always want to retain the domain...
Changing Delphi .dfm Form Inheritance
Start out with your current form inheritance Change to the form wanted to inherit from Put the physical file in the uses clause Go to design > right click > view as text Change the word ‘object’ to the word ‘inherited’
Resetting the Default mySQL Username & Password in Bluehost
Navigate to Bluehost Account > Advanced > MySQL DatabasesScroll down to the current users section at the very bottom of the pageClick change passwordStore the new password in passwork > website design services > wordpress - database accounts > [Customer Name] -...
Configuring FTP Access to a Bluehost Account with Filezilla
This documentation can only be completed after doing the following steps. Download and install the Filezilla ClientLogin to BluehostClick Advanced from the left panelClick FTP AccountsScroll down to...
Configuring an FTP Account in Bluehost
Login to BluehostClick Advanced from the left panelClick FTP AccountsEnter your informationLogin: ******Password: ***************Store under Passwork > Website Design Services > FTP Access > “[Customer Name] - Bluehost Admin FTP”Don’t forget to store this in the...
Flashing the bios in an Adaptec Array
Purpose Hard drive array cards may need to have their coding updated. This can help with things like compatibility issues, etc. The coding on the card is called the bios. Scope These procedures outlined below will give you the steps to update the...
Expanding an Array in Adaptec with MaxView
Purpose Eventually you will run out of space in an array. This document will explain how to change out the drives with larger drives and then expand the array. Scope These procedures outlined below stand for expanding drives to an adaptec array. References...
Configuration an Adaptec RAID Array / Raiding a Drive
The following explains how to set up a RAID 1 Array on an adaptec card. These instructions can apply to other RAID types. Boot your serverDuring bootup press Ctrl+A when prompted to enter into the Adaptec RAID Editor.Press enter on Logical Device...
Changing Drives in an Adaptec Hot Swappable Array
Definitions and Background Information Logical Devices - These are virtual devices that group multiple physical hard drives together. These are what the OS sees as a “drive”, but they are really composed of multiple drives “raided” together.Physical Devices -...
What is “IT Insecurities” About?
In a world where technology is growing faster and faster each day, a Tulsa based blog like “IT Insecurities” is more and more necessary. Many business owners don’t know the information that they need to succeed in a technology driven business environment. Here in this blog we offer real help from real IT professionals. These are people who have worked in the IT industry for 20+ years in a variety of sectors including
- Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery
- IT Consulting
- Website Design
- Complex Application Development
- Big Data
- Creation of Customer Hardware (Computers)
- Server Management
- Network Management
All of this experience combined with simple talk will make you a pro IT literate person in no time!
An Easy to Understand Blog
Our goal is to train you in some of the basics of both general IT and computer technology and website design and marketing. All of this will keep you as a business owner informed when sales people or IT support technicians try to snow you into paying for something you don’t need.
As Sir Francis Bacon says, “Knowledge is power.”
Take the knowledge you gain from this blog and go apply it to your business. Knowledge without application is meaningless. Maybe even more meaningless than a sprinkler system in the middle of a thunderstorm. The information we present in these articles will make you a better marketer, sales man and IT professional.
If you have any questions on any article you read, please contact us at any time at either or via phone at 918-218-2228. Take the world by storm one beautiful website design after another. Know what you are doing and why you are doing it, and build both beautiful and useful tools to drive your business forward.
The fear of failure. Which is exactly what we at Centupli overcome with proven moves and systems that work.